How Much Testing Is Enough?
Most compliance officers struggle to determine whether they are conducting enough testing to satisfy their obligations under the Advisers Act. In its release adopting Advisers

Regulatory Roundup for July 2024
Welcome to our July Regulatory Roundup, where we provide a quick look at the latest regulatory developments. In this edition, we discuss the implications of the Supreme Court’s decision in SEC v. Jarkesy that limits the Commission’s use of in-house judges, two Texas federal district court judges issued stays blocking the implementation DOL’s Retirement Security Act and PTE 2020-02, and the SEC’s latest schedule for issuing various final Advisers Act rules. Enjoy!

Latest SEC Document Request Lists: What Private Fund Managers Should be Worrying About
Many private fund managers are breathing a sigh of relief after the Fifth Circuit struck down the Private Fund Rules (check out our blog post

Regulatory Roundup for June 2024
Welcome to our June Regulatory Roundup, where we provide you with a quick look at the latest regulatory developments. In this edition, we discuss the implications of the Fifth Circuit’s striking down the Private Fund Rules, a survey on how much time advisers are spending on compliance with the Marketing Rule, a case study on how not to show fund performance and an SEC settlement where the obligations of Reg BI and fiduciary duty are blurred. Enjoy!

What Advisers Need to Know Now About Giving Rollover Advice after September 23, 2024
The Retirement Security Rules expands ERISA’s stringent fiduciary obligations to cover almost any situation where advice is provided for a fee to a retirement investor where there is an expectation that the advice being given is in the investor’s best interest. The Final Rule covers advisory firms and their representatives providing “fiduciary investment advice” to ERISA and non-ERISA plans, including IRAs.

Regulatory Roundup for May 2024
Check out our regulatory update for May 2024, including Amendments to Regulation S-P, Proposed CIP requirements, the latest SEC Risk Alert on Marketing Rule, and more!

SEC Tells Advisers What Not to Do in Advertisements
The SEC’s Risk Alert provides a list of Marketing Rule deficiencies — a must read!

Write the Best Annual Compliance Review Ever!
Struggling with your annual review? Check out our top tips!

Top Tips for Updating Your 2024 Compliance Program
Use our cheat sheet for updating your compliance program for 2024!

Capture if you Can: SEC3’s New Director of Thought Leadership Participates in Global Relay Free Webinar on E-Comms Liability
Check out this webinar where we discuss the latest developments on e-communications compliance policies.