On Tuesday, November 14, the SEC announced its enforcement results for the fiscal year of 2023. Here is a summary of the results:

In terms of fines, civil penalties, and financial remedies, in the fiscal year 2023, the SEC obtained the following:

During the prior fiscal year, we witnessed a record-breaking year for the SEC’s Whistleblower Program. The Whistleblower Program experienced the following:

The SEC continues to demonstrate its effectiveness and ability to hold wrongdoers accountable. “The investing public benefits from the Division of Enforcement’s work as a cop on the beat,” said SEC Chair Gary Gensler. The numbers do not lie, as the Division of Enforcement continues “leveraging risk-based initiatives, seeking robust remedies, rewarding cooperation, protecting whistleblowers, or returning nearly a billion dollars to harmed investors, the Enforcement Division stood up for the investing public,” said Gurbir S. Grewal, Director of the Division of Enforcement. “I am extremely proud of the Division’s efforts… all of which help protect investors, hold bad actors accountable, and promote public trust.”

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