With the best intentions, on January 7th, the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (“Commission”) Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (“OCIE”) shared the National Exam Program priorities for 2020 (the “2020 Priorities”).  OCIE appears to have intentionally broadened the scope of this year’s document to not only provide guidance concerning certain risks areas, but also to remind the industry to also focus on all other compliance areas, even if not specifically discussed.

The 2020 Priorities is almost double last year’s length at 28 pages.  While there are more specific risk areas discussed, the introduction is more robust.  In addition to providing the regular summary of FY 2019 examination results, it also provides insight into how OCIE determines its risk-based focus areas for specific advisers.  Most notably, the 2020 Priorities has a catch-all section, “Additional Focus Areas Involving RIAS and Investment Companies.” While this new section includes past exam targets such as  “Never-Before and Not Recently-Examined RIAs,”  “Mutual Funds and ETFs”, and “RIAS to Private Funds,” the section also quickly casts a wide net by referencing “core [RIA compliance] areas”. For example, the 2020 Priorities reference the appropriateness of account selection, portfolio management practices, custody and safekeeping of client assets, best execution, fees and expenses, and valuation of client assets for consistency and appropriateness of methodology.”  The section is explicit that “OCIE will continue to review the compliance programs of RIAs, including whether those programs and their policies and procedures are reasonably designed, implemented, and maintained.”  Finally, we are reminded that “OCIE will [continue to] assess the adequacy of disclosures and governance practices in the core areas reviewed.  OCIE could have saved themselves some time drafting the document and simply said, “This year we will prioritize Rule 206(4)-7(a) and your fiduciary duty.”

As we’ve said in past years, every CCO should read the NEP Priorities and use them to prioritize testing areas as applicable to the business.  Many of the items discussed are repeats from prior years, as their relevance or routine appearance as issues in examinations call for continued focus.  This year we advise CCO’s to review the SEC’s June 2019 Interpretation Regarding Standard of Conduct for Investment Advisers (the “Interpretation”), in conjunction with the 2020 Priorities. The Interpretation is far more than a refresher on fiduciary duty, clarifying the dual duties of loyalty and care. In addition, the Interpretation re-emphasizes the fact that informed consent is a component of fiduciary duty.  It also makes clear that the Commission will continue to apply a broad, “principle-based” lens during examinations, providing examples and discussing the flexibility afforded investment advisers in satisfying these duties.

2020’s exam focus areas include:

A few items dropped off of the NEP as explicit mentions this year. As with previous years, we expect that this means merely that those areas have been incorporated into the broader exam Program and will continue to receive thorough coverage. Cybersecurity is expected to remain a key focus area, despite now falling under the broader umbrella of Information Security.

While there is not a lot new here, advisers should take note. The consistency of the National Exam Program and SEC Risk Alerts is indicative of either new developments or ongoing deficiencies across the industry, and thus merit careful consideration.

For advice on compliance and testing programs, please reach out to your consultant or contact us at info@seccc.com.