When: Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017 | Schedule: 12pm – 1pm EST


We said in our last webcast on this same topic, that the Ransomware threat is becoming the tool of choice to an ever-increasing number of bad actors and that we will hear much more about this ongoing threat from regulators this year. The insidious nature of Ransomware and its delivery alternatives, allows a broad range of “wanna-be” criminals, looking for a quick payday, to get in the game. From high-school students using simple kiddie-scripts, inexpensively purchased off the web to organized crime rings using sophisticated schemes to steal valuable data that is sold on the dark web, the threat is pervasive.

Join us on this webcast where participants will learn how to defend against Ransomware and leave with a better understanding of the many variations of ransomware and just how easy it is for these criminals to cryptolock computer systems.

Both Michael Brice and Paul Caiazzo have firsthand experience protecting some of our nation’s most sensitive data from cyber threats. In their current roles, they help clients in several highly regulated industries protect their sensitive data. John Lukan helps firms implement manageable controls, policies and procedures, and address regulatory expectations.

We will wrap up the presentation with an interactive Q&A session.

Can’t attend the live event? You should still register! We will send the recording of the webcast after the event.

Register now!