Our Guide to SEC Registration for Private Fund Investment Advisers is a comprehensive guide to the registration process and ongoing compliance requirements after registration. The guide also includes a detailed discussion of the required disclosure in Form ADV Part II, based on the SEC’s newly adopted ADV requirements.

The second is our service offerings document designed specifically for private fund advisers and addresses many of the questions we have been asked by private fund advisers concerning their options.

These include:

Once registered, private fund advisers must follow the same rules as traditional managers. However, the differences in business models and infrastructure between the different types of private funds and traditional managers can be significant. Recognizing these differences we have developed services to fit the different models and requirements of private fund advisers.

Our primary offerings, designed to meet the specific needs of private fund investment advisers, include, but are not limited to:

  1. Basic Registration – SEC registration, a customized compliance manual and initial training;
  2. Your First 15 Months – Basic Registration along with on-going consultant support, periodic documented compliance reviews, and assistance with a manager’s first required annual compliance review; and..
  3. Compliance PartnershipSEC3 performs much of the heavy lifting involved in managing the compliance program. The compelling reason for the partnership is that the in-house CCO will partner with SEC3’s ex-SEC regulators who will conduct the majority of the required compliance functions.

The total cost of the Compliance Partnership is far less than staffing and developing a complete “in-house” compliance department. Advisers don’t always realize they have these options available.

Specific SEC knowledge and private fund experience is what differentiates us from our competitors.