The pool of registered investment advisers that will be subject to an SEC exam in 2018 is at the highest level seen in years. The SEC projects it will examine 15% of the RIA population. A 40% uptick in IA exams makes it even more paramount that you be ever-prepared should your firm get the call.

Being prepared for an SEC exam makes all the difference in the direction an exam could take; especially with the SEC’s risk-based approach. The SEC takes a risk-based approach to almost all exams. Given this, firms have a bit more control in whether or not an exam can be closed quicker.

We are seeing that registrants have more control now than in the past with respect to controlling an exam.

This Wednesday, March 21, 2018, Janaya Moscony will team up with Mark Dowdell, Assistant Director, Philadelphia Regional Office and Shelley Sims, General Counsel/CCO, FIS Group Inc., in kicking off the 20th Annual IA Compliance Conference.

The panel will be sharing insights into what to do before examiners arrive to ensure you are ready for an exam. You can expect to hear the SEC’s “Top 10” focus areas, the items being sought in current document requests letters and the tried and true exam prep techniques that have served your peers who have been through a recent exam well.

Janaya will discuss SEC3’s Exam Tips for firms to consider when dealing with an SEC exam in today’s regulatory environment.

SEC3 friends wishing to attend can utilize the discount code SPEAKER300 and this will entitle you to a $300 discount when you register for the conference. As always, feel free to please reach out to us if you have questions on how to frame an exam and get the examiners in and out of your business as swiftly as possible.